Create model from imported mesh ####################################### OpenFDEM supports users to import standard mesh files such as ``.inp`` files, ``.msh`` files, and ``.geo`` files to run the model. This example will review how to setup a uniaxial compressive test example with output from ``Gmsh`` software. **Runtime**: < 10 min on i9 8-core Windows 10 Machine Expected tutorial output (visualized in ``ParaView``): .. image:: ../../images/User_Guide/ucs_example.png :alt: UCS Example Image :align: center .. note:: OpenFDEM supports four main mesh pre-processing approaches: 1. A user defined command in OpenFDEM to create mesh automatically 2. Importing a ``.geo`` file 3. Importing a ``.msh`` file 4. Mesh developed from other commercial softwares, including ``.inp``, ``.dxf``, ``.fdem``, ``.tess`` (for grain-based model only) and ``.jpg`` (for grain-based module and DFN module only). ================================== 1 Tutorial Prerequistes ================================== The following files are needed to follow along the tutorial: - `Job-3.inp`_ (click to download from GitHub) .. _Job-3.inp: ================================== 2 Codes ================================== 1. OpenFDEM supports various common mesh file format such as ``.inp`` files, ``.msh`` files, and ``.geo`` files. In this example, “Job-3.inp” file in the folder will be imported to the model, which has the same mesh as the first unconfined compression test example. .. literalinclude:: examples/CreateUniaxialCompressionTestfromInputMesh/runme.of :lines: 55 2. Given input file was exported from ABAQUS without assigning groups, so users need to group elements manually here. .. literalinclude:: examples/CreateUniaxialCompressionTestfromInputMesh/runme.of :lines: 59-61 ================================== 3 Full Script ================================== - `UCS_test_Gmsh.of`_ (click to download from GitHub) .. _UCS_test_Gmsh.of: .. literalinclude:: examples/CreateUniaxialCompressionTestfromInputMesh/runme.of :lines: 37-102 :emphasize-lines: 18-19 .. raw:: html