.. raw:: html
.. role:: red
.. role:: blue
**of.**\ :red:`boundary.nodal.inivelocity` :blue:`*nodal_tag*` :blue:`x` :blue:`y` :blue:`r` :blue:`xtable` :blue:`ytable` :blue:`rtable`
Create the nodal initial velocity boundaries on the nodal groups. r is for the angular velocity, in rad/s. The velocity will be applied only at the initial.
**nodal_tag:** tag of the group
**x:** (default free) Initial velocity in the x direction.
**y:** (default free) Initial elocity in the y direction.
**r:** (default free) Initial angular velocity
.. code-block::
# an initial impact velocity of the ball is 100m/s
of.boundary.nodal.inivelocity ‘ball’ y -100