of.solve ================================ .. raw:: html .. role:: red .. role:: blue **of.**\ :red:`solve` :blue:`*mechanical_ratio*` **(Mandatory)** Assign the mechanical ratio as the iteration threshold to exit the running. The double value :math:`\zeta` is the ratio of the total maximum unbalance force to the total force. Generally, the ratio less than 1.0e-5 can be considered as the equilibrium state. This command is important to determine the equilibrium state in in-situ stress equilibrium or static problems. :math:`\zeta = \frac{\sum^n_{i=1}\sqrt{\bar{f_i}}}{\sum^n_{i=1}\sum^n_{j=1}\sqrt{f_{i,j}}}`, :math:`\bar{f_i}` is the unbalanced force on node :math:`i`. :math:`j` are types of the nodal forces. :math:`f_{i,j}` is the :math:`j` th type force on node :math:`i`. | .. note:: Also see the alternative of the mandatory option **of.step** | **Parameter**: **mechanical ratio**: (default 0.0001) the maximum ratio between the total maximum unbalance force to the total force before termination. | **Example:** .. code-block:: # Default of.solve 0.0001