of.geometry.cut.DFN =================== .. raw:: html .. role:: red .. role:: blue **of.**\ :red:`geometry.cut.DFN` :blue:`*new_geometry_tag*` :blue:`*object_geometry_tag*` :blue:`*dip_method*` :blue:`*length_method*` :blue:`*threshold_method*` The joint may be deleted if you assign wrong minangle or wrong minsize Cut DFN sets by assigning the dip, length, threshold method of the joints. .. note:: There are three rules to follow: - rule 1, you should set the domain firstly when you create jsets and dfns. - rule 2, recommend you preset the minangle and minsize to delete bad segments in case of causing bad mesh. - rule 3, change the iteration if the generation is not converged. **Parameters:** **new_geometry_tag:** tag of the geometry group cut from the original geometry. **object_geometry_tag:** tag of the original geometry group **dip_method:** There are three methods to define dip: 1. n_dip [mean, dev] 2. u_dip [min, max] 3. dip constantAngle; **length_method:** There are four methods to define length: 1. length constantlength 2. n_length [mean, dev] 3. f_length [fisher1,fisher2] 4. p_length [poer1, power2] **threshold_method:** There are three methods to define threshold: 1. Count 2. p10 3. p21 | Example: -------------------------------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: of.geometry.cut.dfn [dfn1] [rock] u_dip [20, 60] n_length [4,2] count 200