Blast class#

struct Blast_structure#
#include <openfdem_blast.h>

Public Functions

void resize(Int size, Int initialsize = 0)#
void clear()#

Public Members

UInt _nodeSize = 0#
std::vector<blast_type> borehole#
UInt BlastNumber = 0#
Real gas_volume = 0.0#
std::vector<Int> blast_wet#
Real pressure = 0.0#
struct blast_type#
#include <openfdem_blast.h>

class for blast sources.

Public Functions

blast_type() = default#

Public Members

std::string tag#
Vector2 coord#
Real radius = 0.0#
UInt bou_id = 0#
UInt tableid = 0#
Real time_ini = 0.0#
Real time_end = 0.0#
class BlastModule : public OpenFdemAbstract#

Public Functions

void Blast_module_run(Openfdem openfdem)#

main interface function to run the blast module. it is called in the main function when the blast module is turned on. This module theoritically can be used for arbitary element types, but other type should be checked.



void Blast_apply_load(General general, Nodal nodal, Cohelement cohelement, Element element, Blast blast, Boudary boudary, Solidmat solidmat)#

compute the blast pressure.

  • general

  • nodal

  • cohelement

  • element

  • blast

  • boudary

  • solidmat

void push_blast(General general, Blast blast, Boudary boudary, char *keyword, UInt type)#

parse blast parameters and boundary types.

  • general

  • blast

  • boudary

  • keyword

  • type

void updateBlastConnectedNet(Nodal nodal, Blast blast, Boudary boundary, Cohelement cohelement, Element element)#

update blast connectivity to get gas volume.

  • nodal

  • blast

  • boundary

  • cohelement

  • element

Public Members

UInt bou_id = 0#
UInt isour = 0#
namespace ns_blast#
namespace ns_common#
file openfdem_blast.h
#include “common/openfdem_common.h”


typedef struct Blast_structure *Blast#
file openfdem_blast_module.h
#include “common/openfdem_abstract.h”
#include “solver/openfdem.h”
dir blast
dir src