Common class#
template<class T>
struct add_pointer# - #include <variant_lite.hpp>
Public Types
typedef remove_reference<T>::type *type#
typedef remove_reference<T>::type *type#
struct aligned_storage_t#
- #include <optional_lite.hpp>
Public Members
align_as_type data[1 + (sizeof(value_type) - 1) / sizeof(align_as_type)]#
align_as_type data[1 + (sizeof(value_type) - 1) / sizeof(align_as_type)]#
union aligned_storage_t#
Public Members
align_as_type data[1 + (data_size - 1) / sizeof(align_as_type)]#
align_as_type data[1 + (data_size - 1) / sizeof(align_as_type)]#
template<size_t A, size_t S>
struct alignment_logic# - #include <optional_lite.hpp>
Public Types
template<size_t A, size_t S>
struct alignment_logic# - #include <variant_lite.hpp>
Public Types
enum V#
enum V#
template<typename T>
struct alignment_of# - #include <optional_lite.hpp>
Public Types
enumerator value#
enumerator value#
template<typename T>
struct alignment_of# - #include <variant_lite.hpp>
template<typename T>
struct alignment_of_hack# - #include <optional_lite.hpp>
Public Functions
template<typename T>
struct alignment_of_hack# - #include <variant_lite.hpp>
Public Functions
class AsciiDocExporter : public tabulate::Exporter#
- #include <asciidoc_exporter.hpp>
Public Functions
inline virtual ~AsciiDocExporter()#
Private Functions
Private Static Attributes
static const char new_line = '\n'#
inline virtual ~AsciiDocExporter()#
class CellIterator#
- #include <column.hpp>
Public Functions
inline CellIterator operator++()#
inline bool operator!=(const CellIterator &other) const#
inline CellIterator operator++()#
class CellIterator#
- #include <row.hpp>
Public Functions
inline CellIterator operator++()#
inline bool operator!=(const CellIterator &other) const#
inline CellIterator operator++()#
class Column#
- #include <column.hpp>
Public Functions
inline size_t size() const#
inline ColumnFormat format()#
inline auto begin() -> CellIterator#
inline auto end() -> CellIterator#
Private Functions
inline size_t get_configured_width()#
inline size_t get_computed_width()#
inline size_t get_cell_width(size_t cell_index)#
Private Members
std::weak_ptr<class TableInternal> parent_#
- friend class ColumnFormat
- friend class Printer
inline size_t size() const#
class ColumnFormat : public tabulate::Format#
- #include <column_format.hpp>
Public Functions
inline ColumnFormat &width(size_t value)#
inline ColumnFormat &height(size_t value)#
inline ColumnFormat &padding(size_t value)#
inline ColumnFormat &padding_left(size_t value)#
inline ColumnFormat &padding_right(size_t value)#
inline ColumnFormat &padding_top(size_t value)#
inline ColumnFormat &padding_bottom(size_t value)#
inline ColumnFormat &border(const std::string &value)#
inline ColumnFormat &border_color(Color value)#
inline ColumnFormat &border_background_color(Color value)#
inline ColumnFormat &border_left(const std::string &value)#
inline ColumnFormat &border_left_color(Color value)#
inline ColumnFormat &border_left_background_color(Color value)#
inline ColumnFormat &border_right(const std::string &value)#
inline ColumnFormat &border_right_color(Color value)#
inline ColumnFormat &border_right_background_color(Color value)#
inline ColumnFormat &border_top(const std::string &value)#
inline ColumnFormat &border_top_color(Color value)#
inline ColumnFormat &border_top_background_color(Color value)#
inline ColumnFormat &border_bottom(const std::string &value)#
inline ColumnFormat &border_bottom_color(Color value)#
inline ColumnFormat &border_bottom_background_color(Color value)#
inline ColumnFormat &corner(const std::string &value)#
inline ColumnFormat &corner_color(Color value)#
inline ColumnFormat &corner_background_color(Color value)#
inline ColumnFormat &column_separator(const std::string &value)#
inline ColumnFormat &column_separator_color(Color value)#
inline ColumnFormat &column_separator_background_color(Color value)#
inline ColumnFormat &font_align(FontAlign value)#
inline ColumnFormat &font_style(const std::vector<FontStyle> &style)#
inline ColumnFormat &font_color(Color value)#
inline ColumnFormat &font_background_color(Color value)#
inline ColumnFormat &color(Color value)#
inline ColumnFormat &background_color(Color value)#
inline ColumnFormat &multi_byte_characters(bool value)#
inline ColumnFormat &locale(const std::string &value)#
inline ColumnFormat &width(size_t value)#
template<class Variant>
struct Comparator# - #include <variant_lite.hpp>
template<bool B, typename T, typename F>
struct conditional# - #include <optional_lite.hpp>
template<bool Cond, class Then, class Else>
struct conditional#
template<typename T, typename F>
struct conditional<false, T, F># - #include <optional_lite.hpp>
template<class Then, class Else>
struct conditional<false, Then, Else># - #include <variant_lite.hpp>
template<class Then, class Else>
struct conditional<true, Then, Else># - #include <variant_lite.hpp>
struct energy_type#
- #include <openfdem_general.h>
Public Functions
inline energy_type()#
Public Members
inline energy_type()#
class Exporter#
- #include <exporter.hpp>
Subclassed by tabulate::AsciiDocExporter, tabulate::LatexExporter, tabulate::MarkdownExporter
class ExportOptions#
- #include <latex_exporter.hpp>
Public Functions
inline ExportOptions &indentation(std::size_t value)#
Private Members
optional<size_t> indentation_#
- friend class LatexExporter
inline ExportOptions &indentation(std::size_t value)#
class Format#
- #include <format.hpp>
Subclassed by tabulate::ColumnFormat
Public Functions
Public Static Functions
static inline std::string word_wrap(const std::string &str, size_t width, const std::string &locale, bool is_multi_byte_character_support_enabled)#
Private Functions
inline void set_defaults()#
Private Members
optional<size_t> width_ = {}#
optional<size_t> height_ = {}#
optional<size_t> padding_left_ = {}#
optional<size_t> padding_top_ = {}#
optional<size_t> padding_right_ = {}#
optional<size_t> padding_bottom_ = {}#
optional<bool> show_border_top_ = {}#
optional<bool> show_border_bottom_ = {}#
optional<bool> show_border_left_ = {}#
optional<bool> show_border_right_ = {}#
optional<bool> multi_byte_characters_ = {}#
Private Static Functions
- friend class Cell
- friend class Row
- friend class Column
- friend class TableInternal
- friend class Printer
- friend class MarkdownExporter
- friend class LatexExporter
- friend class AsciiDocExporter
static inline std::string word_wrap(const std::string &str, size_t width, const std::string &locale, bool is_multi_byte_character_support_enabled)#
struct General_structure#
- #include <openfdem_general.h>
Public Members
char RunTime[Openfdem_ARGC_LENGTH] = "\0"#
char InputFileName[Openfdem_ARGC_LENGTH] = "\0"#
char save_path[Openfdem_ARGC_LENGTH] = "\0"#
char save_filename[Openfdem_ARGC_LENGTH] = "\0"#
FILE *inputfile = nullptr#
FILE *logfile = nullptr#
FILE *FilePointer[Openfdem_FILE_LIMIT]#
short FileID = 0#
bool useSolveMode = false#
bool debug = true#
bool is_save_results = false#
bool save_flag = false#
bool update_dt = false#
bool fixeddt = false#
bool check_dt = false#
bool useFastMode = false#
bool usrdefined_dt = false#
energy_type energy#
solver_base solver#
config config_type = config::PLANESTRESS#
char RunTime[Openfdem_ARGC_LENGTH] = "\0"#
template<class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6, class T7, class T8, class T9, class T10, class T11, class T12, class T13, class T14, class T15>
struct helper# - #include <variant_lite.hpp>
Public Types
typedef signed char type_index_t#
Public Functions
- typedef variant_TL16 (T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15) variant_types
Public Static Functions
static inline type_index_t to_index_t(std::size_t index)#
static inline void destroy(type_index_t index, void *data)#
static inline type_index_t copy_construct(type_index_t const from_index, const void *from_value, void *to_value)#
static inline type_index_t copy_assign(type_index_t const from_index, const void *from_value, void *to_value)#
typedef signed char type_index_t#
template<std::size_t K>
struct in_place_index_tag# - #include <optional_lite.hpp>
struct in_place_t#
- #include <optional_lite.hpp>
template<class T>
struct in_place_type_tag# - #include <optional_lite.hpp>
struct init#
- #include <optional_lite.hpp>
struct Keywords#
- #include <openfdem_struct.h>
class LatexExporter : public tabulate::Exporter#
- #include <latex_exporter.hpp>
Private Members
ExportOptions options_#
Private Static Attributes
static const char new_line = '\n'#
ExportOptions options_#
class Logger#
- #include <logger.h>
Logger class used by OOFEM to print information during analysis. Prints warnings and errors into a separate stream from normal output.
Public Types
Public Functions
Logger(logLevelType level)#
void appendErrorTo(const std::string &fname)#
Redirects error output to given file name (with path).
void appendLogTo(FILE *stream)#
Redirects log output to given stream.
void appendErrorTo(FILE *stream)#
Redirects error output to given stream.
void writeLogMsg(logLevelType level, const char *format, ...)#
Writes the normal log message.
void writeELogMsg(logLevelType level, const char *_func, const char *_file, int _line, const char *format, ...)#
Writes extended log message with file and line info.
void writeExitMsg(const char *_func, const char *_file, int _line)#
Writes exit information.
void writeImplementLogMsg(const char *_func, const char *_file, int _line)#
write information to be implemented
inline void flush()#
Flushes the log stream.
inline void setLogLevel(logLevelType level)#
Sets log level to given one. Only log messages with level less or equal given threshold will be printed.
void setLogLevel(int level)#
Sets log level to given one. Only log messages with level less or equal given threshold will be printed.
inline void incrementErrorCounter()#
Increment error count by one.
void printStatistics()#
Prints number of errors and warning logged.
Protected Functions
const char *giveLevelName(logLevelType l) const#
Protected Attributes
FILE *logStream#
Stream used for logging.
FILE *errStream#
bool closeFlag#
flag indicating whether to close mylogStream.
bool errCloseFlag#
logLevelType logLevel#
Current log level, messages with higher level are not reported.
int numberOfWrn#
Counter of all warning and error messages.
int numberOfErr#
Logger(logLevelType level)#
class MarkdownExporter : public tabulate::Exporter#
- #include <markdown_exporter.hpp>
Public Functions
inline virtual ~MarkdownExporter()#
Private Functions
inline virtual ~MarkdownExporter()#
class Matrix#
- #include <openfdem_matrix.h>
Class : dynamic Matrix (Real), it is used to create dynamic matrix assigned by the user according to the row and coloumn of the matrix
Used to manage Matrix The matrix is a dynamic matrix composed by _rows x _cols, 2 x 2 matrix should use the specific type: Matrix2.
Public Functions
Matrix(const Int = 2, const Int = 2, const Real = 0.0)#
Constructor to create a 2x2 matrix with initial value 0.0.
- Attention
The matrix class will generate dynamic memory
Matrix(Int rows, Int cols, Real firstValue, Real secondValue, ...)#
constructor by several arguments input.
- Parameters:
rows –
cols –
firstValue –
secondValue –
- Param :
void desallocate()#
freeup the dynamic memory.
inline Real &operator()(Int row, Int coloumn)#
return the matrix compoment. matrix(0,2)
- Parameters:
row –
coloumn –
- Returns:
Matrix &operator=(const Real &val)#
set the matrix equals to a double value. M = a;
- Parameters:
val –
- Returns:
Matrix &operator=(const Matrix&)#
set the matrix equals to another matrix. two matrixs should have the same dimension, otherwise resize
M = N;
- Param :
void operator*=(const Real&)#
element-wise multiply and store the new value in this matrix.
M = M * a;
- Param :
bool operator!=(const Matrix&) const#
identify the bool between two matrixs. return true when M != N; otherwise false
- Param :
Real doubleProduct() const#
This method defines a Real contracted product of two second order tensors. The result of this operation is a scalar defined by:
\[ s = A : B \]s = T : U = T.ij * U.ji Example :Tensor tensor1,tensor2; Real s; s = tensor1.doubleProduct(tensor2); // Real contracted product
tensor2 Second second order tensor to use for the operation
- Returns:
Real getAverageTrace() const#
This method calculates the average of the trace of a square matrix Return: value of the average of the trace of the matrix. s = M.trace / row
- Returns:
inline Real operator()(Int row, Int coloumn) const#
return the compoment of the matrix.
- Param :
- Returns:
Matrix getSkewSymetricPart() const#
This method extracts the anti-symmetric part of a matrix and returns it
This method is only available for matrices of size 2 and 3. Return: anti-symmetric part of the matrix.
- Returns:
Matrix getSymetricPart() const#
This method extracts the symmetric part of a matrix and returns it
This method is only available for matrices of size 2 and 3. Return: symmetric part of the matrix.
- Returns:
Matrix operator*(const Real&) const#
multiply a value and return a new matrix. A = M * c
- Param :
void computeInverse2x2(Real det, Matrix &inverse) const#
return the inverse matrix of 2x2 matrix.
- Parameters:
det –
inverse –
void computeInverse3x3(Real det, Matrix &inverse) const#
return the inverse matrix of a 3x3 matrix and out the reuslt in a dynamic matrix
- Parameters:
det –
inverse –
void computeInverse2x2(Real det, Matrix2 &inverse) const#
return the inverse matrix of a 3x3 matrix and ouput the result in a 3x3 matrix.
- Parameters:
det –
inverse –
void setToUnity()#
set the matrix to unit matrix.
Matrix(const Int = 2, const Int = 2, const Real = 0.0)#
class Matrix2#
- #include <openfdem_matrix2x2.h>
Class : Matrix2 (Real) Used to manage Matrix2 The matrix is a fixed matrix composed by _rows x _cols, 2 x 2 matrix should use the specific type .
Public Functions
inline Real &operator()(Int row, Int coloumn)#
return the compoment of M(i,j).
- Parameters:
row –
coloumn –
- Returns:
Matrix2 &operator=(const Real &val)#
set the matrix equals to a double value. M = a;
- Parameters:
val –
- Returns:
Matrix2 &operator=(const Matrix2&)#
set the matrix equals to another matrix. two matrixs should have the same dimension, otherwise resize
M = N;
- Param :
Matrix2 &operator=(const Real array[2][2])#
set the matrix equals to another matrix. two matrixs should have the same dimension, otherwise resize
M = N;
- Param :
void operator*=(const Real&)#
element-wise multiply and store the new value in this matrix.
M = M * a;
- Param :
inline void addby(const Matrix2&, const Matrix2&)#
get the matrix from two matrixs. this = A + B
- Param :
inline bool indexCheck(Int row, Int coloumn) const#
check the index of the matrix.
- Param :
- Returns:
bool operator!=(const Matrix2&) const#
identify the bool between two matrixs. return true when M != N; otherwise false
- Param :
Real doubleProduct() const#
This method defines a Real contracted product of two second order tensors. The result of this operation is a scalar defined by:
\[ s = A : B \]s = T : U = T.ij * U.ji Example :Tensor tensor1,tensor2; Real s; s = tensor1.doubleProduct(tensor2); // Real contracted product
tensor2 Second second order tensor to use for the operation
- Returns:
Real getAverageTrace() const#
This method calculates the average of the trace of a square matrix Return: value of the average of the trace of the matrix. s = M.trace / row
- Returns:
void getTransposefrom(const Matrix2 &matrix)#
compute the transpose of existed matrix and store the result in current matrix.
- Parameters:
matrix –
Matrix2 operator*(const Real&) const#
multiply a value and return a new matrix. A = M * c
- Param :
Matrix2 operator*(const Matrix2&) const#
multiply a matrix and return a new 2x2 matrix.
- Param :
Vector2 operator*(const Vector2&) const#
multiply a vector and return a vector. v = M * vc
- Param :
Matrix2 operator/(const Real&) const#
divid a value and return a new matrix. A = M /c
- Param :
void computeInverse(Real det, Matrix2 &inverse) const#
return the inverse matrix of a 3x3 matrix and out the reuslt in a matrix
- Parameters:
det –
inverse –
void setToUnity()#
set the matrix to unit matrix.
void setToZero()#
set the matrix an assigned value.
- Param :
void addI()#
Private Members
- friend Matrix
class model : public OpenFdemAbstract#
- #include <openfdem_base.h>
Public Functions
inline model()#
inline ~model()#
void initialize(Openfdem openfdem)#
model initialization to set memory of the main structres. the classes will be constructered automatically and double-checked at this step.
- Parameters:
openfdem –
void setenvironment(Openfdem openfdem, int argc, char **argv)#
set a new environment for the model.
- Parameters:
openfdem –
argc –
argv –
inline model()#
struct model_t#
- #include <openfdem_general.h>
Public Functions
inline model_t()#
Public Members
bool has_mazars = false#
bool has_JH2 = false#
bool has_Yang = false#
bool has_TCK = false#
bool has_dfb = false#
bool has_plastic = false#
bool has_viscous = false#
bool has_JWL = false#
bool has_nonlocal = false#
bool has_cohesive = false#
bool has_phasefield = false#
bool use_largedeformation = false#
bool has_contact = true#
bool has_blast = false#
bool has_dynamic = false#
bool has_thermal = false#
bool has_hydro = false#
bool has_remesh = false#
bool has_AMR = false#
bool has_AMRdynamic = false#
bool has_GBM = false#
bool has_mmg = false#
bool has_quadratic = false#
bool has_extrinsic = false#
bool has_rigid = false#
bool has_deformable = false#
bool has_particle = false#
bool has_mpm = false#
bool usedu = false#
bool gravityzero = true#
bool has_dynamicCZM = false#
bool useConnect = false#
bool has_hetCZM = false#
inline model_t()#
class monostate#
- #include <variant_lite.hpp>
struct nullopt_t#
- #include <optional_lite.hpp>
disengaged state tag
Public Functions
- inline explicit optional_constexpr nullopt_t (init) optional_noexcept
struct nulltype#
- #include <optional_lite.hpp>
struct nulltype#
- #include <variant_lite.hpp>
class OpenFdemAbstract#
- #include <openfdem_abstract.h>
Subclassed by ns_common::OpenFDEMTools
class OpenFDEMchrono#
- #include <openfdem_chrono.h>
class OpenFDEMmanager#
- #include <openfdem_manager.h>
Public Static Functions
static inline void usehelp(char *prog)#
Print help for common options of the 3 codes (first section).
- Parameters:
*prog – pointer toward the program name.
static inline bool checkLicense()#
static inline void foldercfg(int argc, char **argv, char *inputFileFullPath, char *inputFileWithSuffix, char *inputFileName, General general)#
static inline void printversion()#
static inline void printCopyrightPage()#
static inline void writepage(FILE *fileptr)#
static inline void usehelp(char *prog)#
class OpenFDEMmessage#
- #include <openfdem_message.h>
Public Static Functions
static inline void Runtime_message(const char *c1)#
print a string to screen.
Runtime_message("exit with error."); => exit with error.\n
- Parameters:
c1 –
static inline void RuntimeInfo(const char *c1)#
print a string to screen.
Runtime_message("exit with error."); =>Info :exit with error.\n
- Parameters:
c1 –
static inline void Runtime_strformat(const char *c1)#
print a formated string to screen.
Runtime_strformat("exit with error."); =>Info :exit with error.\n
- Parameters:
c1 –
static inline void RuntimeKeywordError(const char *s1, int i1)#
print error message for keword parsing.
RuntimeKeywordError("geometry",12) =>Info :Error: unknow keyword [geometry] at line [12]. \n
- Parameters:
s1 –
i1 –
static inline void RuntimeStringIntStringInt(const char *s1, int i1, const char *s2, int i2)#
static inline void RuntimeStringtoFile(FILE *fileptr, const char *c1)#
print a string to file.
Runtime_message("exit with error."); =< exit with error.\n
- Parameters:
c1 –
static inline void RuntimebackStringString(const char *c1, const char *c2)#
print a sentence composed by two strings.
RuntimebackStringString("geometry group is","rock.") =>Info : geometry group is [rock]. \n
- Parameters:
c1 –
c2 –
static inline void RuntimeIntStringString(int n1, const char *c1, const char *c2)#
print a sentence composed by two strings.
RuntimebackStringString("mesh.msh"," file is imported.") =>Info : [mesh.msh] file is imported. \n \param c1 \param c2 / static void RuntimefrontStringString(const char* c1, const char* c2) // print message out to screen { printf("Info :"); writeCharValue(stdout, "["); writeCharValue(stdout, c1); writeCharValue(stdout, "] "); writeCharValue(stdout, c2); writeCharValue(stdout, "\n"); }
- Parameters:
n1 –
c1 –
c2 –
static inline void RuntimeStringInt(const char *c1, int c2)#
print a sentence composed by a string and integer.
RuntimeStringInt("The count of node in the model is ","2300") =>Info : The count of node in the model is [2300]. \n
- Parameters:
c1 –
c2 –
static inline void RuntimeStringReal(const char *c1, double c2)#
print a sentence composed by a string and double value.
RuntimeStringReal("The stiffness of the rock is ","1.2e9") =>Info : The stiffness of the rock is [1.2e9]. \n
- Parameters:
c1 –
c2 –
static inline void RuntimeIntString(int c2, const char *c1)#
print a sentence composed by a integer and a string.
RuntimeStringReal("20","nodes are added in the model.") =>Info : [20] nodes are added in the model. \n
- Parameters:
c1 –
c2 –
static inline void RuntimeStringIntString(const char *s1, int c2, const char *s2)#
print a sentence composed by a string, integer and a string.
RuntimeStringReal("Congratulation,","20","nodes are added in the model.") =>Info :Congratulation, [20] nodes are added in the model. \n
- Parameters:
s1 –
c2 –
s2 –
static inline void RuntimeStringStringString(const char *s1, const char *c2, const char *s2)#
print a sentence composed by a string, integer and a string.
RuntimeStringReal("Congratulation,","20","nodes are added in the model.") =>Info :Congratulation, [20] nodes are added in the model. \n
- Parameters:
s1 –
c2 –
s2 –
static inline void Runtime_writelogs(FILE *checkfile, const char *keyword)#
write parsing log to log file.
- Parameters:
checkfile –
keyword –
static inline void Runtime_message(const char *c1)#
class OpenFDEMTools : public ns_common::OpenFdemAbstract#
- #include <openfdem_tools.h>
template<typename T>
class optional# - #include <optional_lite.hpp>
class optional
optional access error
Public Functions
- inline optional_constexpr optional () optional_noexcept
- inline optional_constexpr optional (nullopt_t) optional_noexcept
inline optional(value_type const &value)#
inline ~optional()#
- inline optional & operator= (nullopt_t) optional_noexcept
- inline optional_constexpr value_type const * operator-> () const
- inline optional_constexpr14 value_type * operator-> ()
- inline optional_constexpr value_type const & operator* () const optional_ref_qual
- inline optional_constexpr14 value_type & operator* () optional_ref_qual
- inline optional_constexpr operator safe_bool () const optional_noexcept
- inline optional_constexpr bool has_value () const optional_noexcept
- inline optional_constexpr14 value_type const & value () const optional_ref_qual
- inline optional_constexpr14 value_type & value () optional_ref_qual
- template<typename U> inline optional_constexpr value_type value_or (U const &v) const
- inline void reset () optional_noexcept
Private Functions
inline void this_type_does_not_support_comparisons() const#
- friend class optional
class Printer#
- #include <printer.hpp>
Public Static Functions
static inline std::pair<std::vector<size_t>, std::vector<size_t>> compute_cell_dimensions(TableInternal &table)#
static inline void print_table(std::ostream &stream, TableInternal &table)#
static inline void print_row_in_cell(std::ostream &stream, TableInternal &table, const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &index, const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &dimension, size_t num_columns, size_t row_index)#
static inline bool print_cell_border_top(std::ostream &stream, TableInternal &table, const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &index, const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &dimension, size_t num_columns)#
static inline bool print_cell_border_bottom(std::ostream &stream, TableInternal &table, const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &index, const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &dimension, size_t num_columns)#
Private Static Functions
static inline void print_content_left_aligned(std::ostream &stream, const std::string &cell_content, const Format &format, size_t text_with_padding_size, size_t column_width)#
static inline void print_content_center_aligned(std::ostream &stream, const std::string &cell_content, const Format &format, size_t text_with_padding_size, size_t column_width)#
static inline std::pair<std::vector<size_t>, std::vector<size_t>> compute_cell_dimensions(TableInternal &table)#
template<class T>
struct remove_const# - #include <variant_lite.hpp>
template<class T>
struct remove_const<const T># - #include <variant_lite.hpp>
template<class T>
struct remove_cv# - #include <variant_lite.hpp>
Public Types
typedef remove_volatile<typenameremove_const<T>::type>::type type#
typedef remove_volatile<typenameremove_const<T>::type>::type type#
template<class T>
struct remove_reference# - #include <variant_lite.hpp>
template<class T>
struct remove_reference<T&># - #include <variant_lite.hpp>
template<class T>
struct remove_volatile# - #include <variant_lite.hpp>
template<class T>
struct remove_volatile<volatile T># - #include <variant_lite.hpp>
class Row#
- #include <row.hpp>
Public Functions
inline size_t size() const#
inline auto begin() -> CellIterator#
inline auto end() -> CellIterator#
Private Functions
inline size_t get_configured_height()#
inline size_t get_cell_height(size_t cell_index, size_t column_width)#
Private Members
std::weak_ptr<class TableInternal> parent_#
- friend class Printer
inline size_t size() const#
class RowIterator#
- #include <table.hpp>
Public Functions
inline RowIterator operator++()#
inline bool operator!=(const RowIterator &other) const#
inline RowIterator operator++()#
class RuntimeException : public std::exception#
- #include <openfdem_error.h>
struct S0#
- #include <variant_lite.hpp>
struct S1#
- #include <variant_lite.hpp>
struct S10#
- #include <variant_lite.hpp>
struct S11#
- #include <variant_lite.hpp>
struct S12#
- #include <variant_lite.hpp>
struct S13#
- #include <variant_lite.hpp>
struct S14#
- #include <variant_lite.hpp>
struct S15#
- #include <variant_lite.hpp>
struct S2#
- #include <variant_lite.hpp>
struct S3#
- #include <variant_lite.hpp>
struct S4#
- #include <variant_lite.hpp>
struct S5#
- #include <variant_lite.hpp>
struct S6#
- #include <variant_lite.hpp>
struct S7#
- #include <variant_lite.hpp>
struct S8#
- #include <variant_lite.hpp>
struct S9#
- #include <variant_lite.hpp>
struct solver_base#
- #include <openfdem_general.h>
Public Functions
inline solver_base()#
inline solver_base()#
union storage_t#
- #include <optional_lite.hpp>
C++03 constructed union to hold value.
Public Types
typedef T value_type#
Public Functions
- inline storage_t () optional_is_default explicit storage_t(value_type const &v)
inline void construct_value(value_type const &v)#
inline void destruct_value()#
- inline optional_nodiscard value_type const * value_ptr () const
inline value_type *value_ptr()#
- inline optional_nodiscard value_type const & value () const optional_ref_qual
- inline value_type & value () optional_ref_qual
- typedef optional_ALIGN_AS (value_type) align_as_type
- inline optional_nodiscard void * ptr () optional_noexcept
- inline optional_nodiscard void const * ptr () const optional_noexcept
- template<typename U> inline optional_nodiscard U * as ()
- template<typename U> inline optional_nodiscard U const * as () const
Public Members
aligned_storage_t data#
typedef T value_type#
class String : public std::string#
- #include <openfdem_string.h>
Public Functions
String(const char*)#
bool contains(char c, int = 0) const#
bool empty() const#
bool ok() const#
bool scanFileLine(FILE*)#
char firstchar() const#
char lastchar() const#
const char *chars() const#
double getReal() const#
int search(char c, int = 0) const#
long getInt() const#
void remove(char, int = 0)#
void remove(int, int)#
void fromFile(FILE*)#
void lowerCase()#
void strip()#
void toFile(FILE*)#
void upperCase()#
template<typename T>
struct struct_t# - #include <optional_lite.hpp>
template<typename T>
struct struct_t# - #include <variant_lite.hpp>
class Table#
- #include <table.hpp>
Public Functions
inline Table()#
inline auto begin() -> RowIterator#
inline auto end() -> RowIterator#
inline Table()#
class TableInternal : public std::enable_shared_from_this<TableInternal>#
- #include <table_internal.hpp>
Public Static Functions
static inline std::shared_ptr<TableInternal> create()#
Private Functions
inline TableInternal()#
TableInternal &operator=(const TableInternal&)#
TableInternal(const TableInternal&)#
- friend class Table
- friend class MarkdownExporter
static inline std::shared_ptr<TableInternal> create()#
class Tensor#
- #include <openfdem_tensor.h>
Class : Tensor (Real) Used to manage Tensor The second order tensor is constructured as xx, xy, null yx, yy, null null, null, zz
Public Functions
Tensor(Real, Real, Real, Real, Real)#
constructor by input compoments.
param- Param :
- Param :
- Param :
inline Real &operator()(Int, Int)#
return the compoment of T(i,j).
- Parameters:
row –
coloumn –
- Returns:
inline Real &operator[](Int)#
operator to directly get the compoment using [].
- Parameters:
i –
- Returns:
Tensor &operator=(const Matrix2 &matrix)#
build a tensor from 2x2 matrix, whereas zz is 0.0.
- Parameters:
matrix –
- Returns:
inline void operator=(const Real tensor[2][2])#
build a tensor from 2x2 array, zz is initialized to 0.0.
- Parameters:
tensor –
- Returns:
Real doubleProduct() const#
:Double contracted product of a second order tensor by itself.
This method defines a Real contracted product of a second order tensor by itself. The result of this operation is a scalar defined by: \begin{equation*} s = \A : \A = \sum_{i=1}^{3} \sum_{j=1}^{3} A_{ij}\times A_{ij} \end{equation*} where $\A$ is a second order tensor.
- Returns:
Real doubleProduct(const Tensor&) const#
:Double contracted product of 2 second order tensors.
This method defines a Real contracted product of two second order tensors. The result of this operation is a scalar defined by: \begin{equation*} s = \A : \B = \sum_{i=1}^{3} \sum_{j=1}^{3} A_{ij}\times B_{ij} \end{equation*} where $\A$ and $\B$ are two second order tensors.
- Param :
inline Real getDeterminant() const#
get the determinant of the tensor, the zz compoment is ignored.
- Returns:
inline Real getJ2() const#
get the J2 equvalient stress. J2 = 1/2 s.ij x s.ij = 1/6 [(sig.x - sig.y)^2 + (sig.y - sig.z)^2 + (sig.z-sig.x)^2 + 6(tau.xy^2 + tau.yz^2 + tau.zx^2)]
- Returns:
Tensor getDeviator() const#
:Deviatoric part of a second order tensor.
This method defines the deviatoric part of a second second order tensor. The result of this operation is a second order tensor defined by the following equation: \begin{equation*} \Sig^d=\Sig-\frac{1}{3}\tr[\Sig].\Id \end{equation*} where $\Sig^d$ is the deviatoric part of the tensor, $\Sig$ is the tensor and $\Id$ is the unit tensor.
- Returns:
inline Real getEnergy(Tensor &strain) const#
get the inverse of the tensor, ignore the zz compoment.
- Returns:
Vector2 operator*(const Vector2&) const#
:Multiplication of a second order tensor by a vector. ignore the zz compoment
- Param :
void addI()#
- void setToUnity(