- of.geometry.remove.square *new_geometry_tag* <string> *object_geometry_tag* <string> *region* <double, double, double, double>
Remove a geometry in existing geometry using the square method.
There are three rules to follow:
rule 1, the object should already exist.
rule 2, the region is for the new geometry.
rule 3, the new geometry will be removed. The tag is still reserved to mark the intersected edges between two objects.
- Parameters:
new_geometry_tag: tag of the geometry group cut from the original geometry.
object_geometry_tag: tag of the original geometry group
region: There are three methods to define a sqaure:
[xmin. xmax. ymin, ymax]
x [xmin, xmax] y [ymin, ymax]
xmin value xmax value ymin value ymax value
of.geometry.remove.square [tunnel] [rock] x [0 1] y [0 1]