- of.solve *mechanical_ratio* <double>
(Mandatory) Assign the mechanical ratio as the iteration threshold to exit the running. The double value \(\zeta\) is the ratio of the total maximum unbalance force to the total force. Generally, the ratio less than 1.0e-5 can be considered as the equilibrium state. This command is important to determine the equilibrium state in in-situ stress equilibrium or static problems.
\(\zeta = \frac{\sum^n_{i=1}\sqrt{\bar{f_i}}}{\sum^n_{i=1}\sum^n_{j=1}\sqrt{f_{i,j}}}\), \(\bar{f_i}\) is the unbalanced force on node \(i\). \(j\) are types of the nodal forces. \(f_{i,j}\) is the \(j\) th type force on node \(i\).
Also see the alternative of the mandatory option of.step
- Parameter:
mechanical ratio: (default 0.0001) the maximum ratio between the total maximum unbalance force to the total force before termination.
# Default
of.solve 0.0001