
of.boundary.nodal.velocity *nodal_tag* <string> x <double> y <double> r <double> xtable <string_tag> ytable <string_tag> rtable <string_tag>

Create the nodal velocity boundary on the nodal groups. r is for the angular velocity, in rad/s. The velocity can be time dependent if you use the table. The x, y, r values will be the factor if you use the table. That is

\(v[i] = x \times table[i]\)


nodal_tag: tag of the group

x: (default 0.0) Velocity in the x direction or the amplitude of x table.

y: (default 0.0) Velocity in the y direction or the amplitude of y table.

r: (default 0.0) Angular velocity

xtable: (default -1) time dependent velocity in x direction.

ytable: (default -1) time dependent velocity in y direction.

rtable: (default -1) time dependent angular velocity.


# fix in x direction, y direction and rotation
of.boundary.nodal.velocity ‘up’ x 0.0 y 0.0 r 0.0
# assign the table which is named as pwave
of.boundary.nodal.velocity ‘up’ x 1.0 xtable ‘pwave’