Solid engine class#
struct ae_type#
- #include <openfdem_sesmic.h>
Public Functions
ae_type() = default#
ae_type() = default#
struct any_cohmat_type#
- #include <openfdem_solid_cohesive_materials.h>
Public Functions
any_cohmat_type() = default#
Public Members
solidcoh_linear_t linear#
solidcohhet_EM_t EM_het#
solidcohani_EM_t EM_ani#
solidcohdyn_EM_t EM_dyn#
any_cohmat_type() = default#
struct any_conmat_type#
- #include <openfdem_solid_contact_materials.h>
Public Functions
any_conmat_type() = default#
Public Members
solidcon_GG_t Roughshear#
solidcon_standard_t Standard#
solidcon_Bond_t Bond#
solidcon_Rrotation_t Rrotation#
any_conmat_type() = default#
struct any_mat_type#
- #include <openfdem_solid_materials.h>
Public Functions
any_mat_type() = default#
Public Members
solid_elastic_t elastic#
solid_truss_t truss#
solid_neo_t neo#
solid_excavate_t excavate#
solid_soften_t soften#
solid_rigid_t rigid#
solid_transverse_t transverse#
solid_MC_t MC#
solid_DP_t DP#
solid_burgers_t burger#
solid_power_t power#
solid_JWL_t JWL#
solid_mazars_t mazars#
solid_JH_2_t JH2#
solid_TCK_t TCK#
solid_YANG_t Yang#
solid_dfb_t dfb#
mpm_snow_t snow#
mpm_sand_t sand#
any_mat_type() = default#
struct Coh_element_structure#
- #include <openfdem_solid_cohesive.h>
Public Members
std::vector<cohelement_type> cohele#
std::vector<fracture_type> fracture#
std::vector<damage_type> damage#
std::vector<cohelement_enum> state#
std::vector<cohelement_type> cohele#
struct cohelement_type#
- #include <openfdem_solid_cohesive.h>
Public Functions
cohelement_type() = default#
cohelement_type() = default#
struct damage_type#
- #include <openfdem_solid_cohesive.h>
Public Functions
damage_type() = default#
damage_type() = default#
struct DFN_structure#
- #include <openfdem_DFN.h>
struct dfn_type#
- #include <openfdem_DFN.h>
Public Functions
dfn_type() = default#
dfn_type() = default#
struct Edge_structure#
- #include <openfdem_edge.h>
struct edge_type#
- #include <openfdem_edge.h>
Public Functions
edge_type() = default#
edge_type() = default#
struct Element_structure#
- #include <openfdem_solid.h>
struct element_type#
- #include <openfdem_solid.h>
struct Entity_structure#
- #include <openfdem_entity.h>
struct entity_type#
- #include <openfdem_entity.h>
struct fracture_type#
- #include <openfdem_solid_cohesive.h>
Public Functions
fracture_type() = default#
fracture_type() = default#
class gaussCount : public OpenFdemAbstract#
- #include <get_gauss_point_counts.h>
class gaussDerivs : public OpenFdemAbstract#
- #include <get_shape_function_derivs.h>
class gaussPosition : public OpenFdemAbstract#
- #include <get_gauss_point_location.h>
class gaussShapeFunction : public OpenFdemAbstract#
- #include <shape_function_library.h>
class gaussWeights : public OpenFdemAbstract#
- #include <get_gauss_point_weights.h>
class InterfaceUtils : public OpenFdemAbstract#
- #include <solid_interface_element_utils.h>
Subclassed by ns_solid::SolidMechanicsCohesiveDynamicModule, ns_solid::SolidMechanicsCohesiveEMModule, ns_solid::SolidMechanicsCohesiveInstrinsicModule, ns_solid::SolidMechanicsCohesiveOPModule
Public Static Functions
static inline void getCZMFaceNodes(Cohelement cohelement, const Int cohindices, Int upnodes[], Int downnodes[])#
static inline void getCZMNodeCoord(const Nodal nodal, const Int nodelist[], Vector2 coord[], const Int count)#
static inline void getCZMNodeDeltaVel(const Nodal nodal, const Int nodeuplist[], const Int nodedownlist[], const Int count, Vector2 vel[])#
static inline Real getCZMkineticEnergy(const Nodal nodal, Edge edge, const Int facei, const Int facej)#
static inline void pushDamageCZMlist(General general, Cohelement cohelement, Seismic seismic, const Int cohelement_id, const Real area, Nodal nodal, Edge edge, const Int type)#
static inline void pushBrokenCZMlist(General general, Cohelement cohelement, const Int cohelement_id, const Real area, Nodal nodal, Edge edge, const Real type)#
static inline void getCZMthreshold(Vector2 &CZMpeak, Vector2 &CZMresidual, any_cohmat_type *cohmat, const Real CharacteristicLength, const Real shearStrengthonCZM, cohelement_cons cons, Real beta, Real tableValue[])#
get the peak and resiudal values of CZM.
- Parameters:
CZMpeak –
CZMresidual –
cohmat –
CharacteristicLength –
shearStrengthonCZM –
cons –
beta –
static inline void getCZMDIF(Real o, Real sabs, const Vector2 &vel, any_cohmat_type *cohmat, const Real CharacteristicLength, const Vector2 &peak, Vector2 &cohDIF, Vector2 &DIF)#
compute the dynamic increase factor for dynamic Evans-Marathe model. We are using the unified strain rate law, in which DIF = 1.0 + (strainrate / strainrate.c)^beta
- Parameters:
o –
sabs –
vel –
cohmat –
CharacteristicLength –
peak –
cohDIF –
static inline void computeEMCZMdamage(Real dmg, Vector2 &peak, Vector2 &residual, Real &previousdamage, Vector2 &damage, cohelement_cons cons)#
static inline Real getEMCZMsigma(any_cohmat_type *cohmat, const Real o, const Real vo, const Real rou, UInt &nsoft, const Vector2 &CZMpeak, const Vector2 &damage, cohelement_cons cons, Real tableValue[])#
static inline Real getdynamicCZMsigma(any_cohmat_type *cohmat, const Real o, UInt &nsoft, const Vector2 CZMpeak, const Vector2 dynCZMpeak, const Vector2 damage, const Vector2 DIF, Real tableValue[])#
static inline Real getEMCZMshearstrength(any_cohmat_type *cohmat, Real sigma, cohelement_cons cons, Real tableValue[])#
static inline Real getEMCZMtau(any_cohmat_type *cohmat, const Real sigma, const Real shearStrengthonCZM, const Real sabs, const Real vs, const Real rou, const Vector2 &CZMpeak, const Vector2 &damage, cohelement_cons cons, Real tableValue[])#
static inline Real getdynamicEMCZMtau(const Real sigma, const Real shearStrengthonCZM, const Real sabs, const Vector2 &CZMpeak, const Vector2 &dynCZMpeak, const Vector2 &damage, const Vector2 &DIF)#
static inline void getCZMFaceNodes(Cohelement cohelement, const Int cohindices, Int upnodes[], Int downnodes[])#
struct mat_cohelement_t#
- #include <openfdem_mat.h>
cohesive material.
Public Functions
mat_cohelement_t() = default#
Public Members
cohelement_cons cons = cohelement_cons::COH_EM#
any_cohmat_type mat#
bool hasTableParamter = false#
bool hasfullTable = false#
short table[COHMAT_TABLE_SIZE] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1}#
mat_cohelement_t() = default#
struct mat_contact_t#
- #include <openfdem_mat.h>
contact material.
Public Functions
mat_contact_t() = default#
mat_contact_t() = default#
struct mat_element_t#
- #include <openfdem_mat.h>
class for matrix material library.
Public Functions
mat_element_t() = default#
mat_element_t() = default#
struct mat_fluid_cohesive_t#
- #include <openfdem_mat.h>
fluid flowing in fracture .
Public Functions
mat_fluid_cohesive_t() = default#
mat_fluid_cohesive_t() = default#
struct mat_fluid_element_t#
- #include <openfdem_mat.h>
hydro material.
Public Functions
mat_fluid_element_t() = default#
mat_fluid_element_t() = default#
struct mat_fluid_t#
- #include <openfdem_mat.h>
water material.
Public Functions
mat_fluid_t() = default#
mat_fluid_t() = default#
struct mat_gas_t#
- #include <openfdem_mat.h>
gas material in hydro module.
Public Functions
mat_gas_t() = default#
mat_gas_t() = default#
struct mat_mpmfluid_t#
- #include <openfdem_mat.h>
material point .
Public Functions
mat_mpmfluid_t() = default#
mat_mpmfluid_t() = default#
struct mat_nonlcoal_element_t#
- #include <openfdem_mat.h>
nonlocal material.
Public Functions
mat_nonlcoal_element_t() = default#
mat_nonlcoal_element_t() = default#
struct mat_thermal_element_t#
- #include <openfdem_mat.h>
thermal material.
Public Functions
mat_thermal_element_t() = default#
mat_thermal_element_t() = default#
class MaterialUtils : public OpenFdemAbstract#
- #include <material_utils.h>
Public Static Functions
static inline Real getKfromEv(Real E, Real v)#
compute the bulk modulus.
- Parameters:
E –
v –
- Returns:
static inline Real getGfromEv(Real E, Real v)#
compute the shear bulk modulus.
- Parameters:
E –
v –
- Returns:
static inline Real getEfromKG(Real K, Real G)#
compute the young’s modulus from K and G.
- Parameters:
K –
G –
- Returns:
static inline Real getvfromKG(Real K, Real G)#
compute the Poission’s ratio from K and G.
- Parameters:
K –
G –
- Returns:
static inline Real getLamdafromKG(Real K, Real G)#
compute lamda from K and G.
- Parameters:
K –
G –
- Returns:
static inline Real getLamdafromEv(Real E, Real v)#
compute the lamda from E and v.
- Parameters:
E –
v –
- Returns:
static inline Real getcpfromEv(Real E, Real v, Real rou)#
compute the wave velocity from E and v.
- Parameters:
E –
v –
rou –
- Returns:
static inline Real getKfromEv(Real E, Real v)#
class ModelAnisotropic : public ns_solid::ModelElastic, public OpenFdemAbstract#
- #include <solid_mechanics_model_aniso.h>
Public Functions
inline ModelAnisotropic()#
inline ~ModelAnisotropic()#
virtual void getBulkParameters()#
virtual void solidModelAnisotropic(General general, Element element, Solidmat solidmat, Intergration intergration, Nodal nodal)#
virtual void computeAnisotropicElasticStress(Nodal nodal, Element element, Intergration intergration)#
void initialize()#
Protected Attributes
inline ModelAnisotropic()#
class ModelBurger : public ns_solid::ModelElastic, public OpenFdemAbstract#
- #include <solid_mechanics_model_burger.h>
class ModelDamageMazars : public ns_solid::ModelElastic, public OpenFdemAbstract#
- #include <solid_mechanics_model_mazars.h>
Public Functions
inline ModelDamageMazars()#
inline ~ModelDamageMazars()#
virtual void getBulkParameters()#
Protected Attributes
inline ModelDamageMazars()#
class ModelDrucker : public ns_solid::ModelElastic, public OpenFdemAbstract#
- #include <solid_mechanics_model_druckerprager.h>
Public Functions
inline ModelDrucker()#
inline ~ModelDrucker()#
virtual void getBulkParameters()#
virtual void solidModelDrucker(General general, Element element, Solidmat solidmat, Intergration intergration, Nodal nodal)#
void tensionCorrection(Intergration intergration, const Int intPoint, UInt *iPlasticity, const Real &ft)#
inline ModelDrucker()#
class ModelElastic : public OpenFdemAbstract#
- #include <solid_mechanics_model_elastic.h>
Subclassed by ns_solid::ModelAnisotropic, ns_solid::ModelBurger, ns_solid::ModelDamageMazars, ns_solid::ModelDrucker, ns_solid::ModelExcavation, ns_solid::ModelJH2, ns_solid::ModelJWL, ns_solid::ModelMohr, ns_solid::ModelNeohookean, ns_solid::ModelNonlocalDamageMazars, ns_solid::ModelNonlocalTCK, ns_solid::ModelNonlocalYang, ns_solid::ModelTCK, ns_solid::ModelYang
Public Functions
inline ModelElastic()#
inline ~ModelElastic()#
inline void getBulkParameters(General general, Boudary boudary)#
Get the material parameters from the material library and compute the stiffness damping coefficient.
- Parameters:
solidmat –
matindices –
virtual void computeElasticTrailStress(Element element, Intergration intergration)#
Compute the elastic trial stress by incremental strain. the stress should not include the stiffness damping stress
\begin{aligned} &\Delta \sigma_{11}=\alpha_1 \Delta e_{11}+\alpha_2 \Delta e_{22}\ &\Delta \sigma_{22}=\alpha_2 \Delta e_{11}+\alpha_1 \Delta e_{22}\ &\Delta \sigma_{12}=2 G \Delta e_{12} \quad\left(\Delta \sigma_{21}=\Delta \sigma_{12}\right)\ &\Delta \sigma_{33}=\alpha_2\left(\Delta e_{11}+\Delta e_{22}\right) \end{aligned} where \alpha_1 = K + 4/3 * G and \alpha_2 = K - 2/3 * G
- Parameters:
nodal –
element –
elementindices –
inline ModelElastic()#
class ModelExcavation : public ns_solid::ModelElastic#
- #include <solid_mechanics_model_excavation.h>
class ModelJH2 : public ns_solid::ModelElastic#
- #include <solid_mechanics_model_JH2.h>
Public Functions
inline ModelJH2()#
inline ~ModelJH2()#
virtual void getBulkParameters()#
Protected Attributes
inline ModelJH2()#
class ModelJWL : public ns_solid::ModelElastic#
- #include <solid_mechanics_model_JWL.h>
class ModelMohr : public ns_solid::ModelElastic#
- #include <solid_mechanics_model_mohr.h>
Public Functions
inline ModelMohr()#
inline ~ModelMohr()#
virtual void getBulkParameters()#
virtual void solidModelMohr(General general, Element element, Solidmat solidmat, Intergration intergration, Nodal nodal)#
void apexCorrection(const Real &fric, Intergration intergration, const Int intPoint, Tensor &prin, UInt *iPlasticity)#
void tensionCorrection(Intergration intergration, const Int elementindices, Tensor &prin, UInt *iPlasticity, const Real &ftz)#
inline ModelMohr()#
class ModelNeohookean : public ns_solid::ModelElastic#
- #include <solid_mechanics_model_neohookean.h>
class ModelNonlocalDamageMazars : public ns_solid::ModelElastic#
- #include <solid_mechanics_model_nlmazars.h>
Public Functions
inline ModelNonlocalDamageMazars()#
inline ~ModelNonlocalDamageMazars()#
virtual void getBulkParameters()#
Protected Attributes
inline ModelNonlocalDamageMazars()#
class ModelNonlocalTCK : public ns_solid::ModelElastic#
- #include <solid_mechanics_model_nlTCK.h>
Public Functions
inline ModelNonlocalTCK()#
inline ~ModelNonlocalTCK()#
virtual void getBulkParameters()#
Protected Attributes
bool isKUS = false#
inline ModelNonlocalTCK()#
class ModelNonlocalYang : public ns_solid::ModelElastic#
- #include <solid_mechanics_model_nlyang.h>
Public Functions
inline ModelNonlocalYang()#
inline ~ModelNonlocalYang()#
virtual void getBulkParameters()#
Protected Attributes
inline ModelNonlocalYang()#
class ModelTCK : public ns_solid::ModelElastic#
- #include <solid_mechanics_model_TCK.h>
Public Functions
inline ModelTCK()#
inline ~ModelTCK()#
virtual void getBulkParameters()#
Protected Attributes
bool isKUS = false#
inline ModelTCK()#
class ModelYang : public ns_solid::ModelElastic#
- #include <solid_mechanics_model_yang.h>
Public Functions
inline ModelYang()#
inline ~ModelYang()#
virtual void getBulkParameters()#
Protected Attributes
inline ModelYang()#
struct mpm_sand_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_materials.h>
Public Functions
mpm_sand_t() = default#
mpm_sand_t() = default#
struct mpm_snow_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_materials.h>
Public Functions
mpm_snow_t() = default#
mpm_snow_t() = default#
struct Nodal_structure#
- #include <openfdem_nodal.h>
Public Members
struct node_type#
- #include <openfdem_nodal.h>
Public Functions
node_type() = default#
node_type() = default#
class NonlocalSolid : public OpenFdemAbstract, public ElementUtils#
- #include <nonlocal_model_module.h>
struct Seismic_structure#
- #include <openfdem_sesmic.h>
struct solid_burgers_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_materials.h>
Public Functions
solid_burgers_t() = default#
solid_burgers_t() = default#
struct solid_dfb_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_materials.h>
Public Functions
solid_dfb_t() = default#
solid_dfb_t() = default#
struct solid_DP_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_materials.h>
Public Functions
solid_DP_t() = default#
solid_DP_t() = default#
struct solid_elastic_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_materials.h>
Public Functions
solid_elastic_t() = default#
solid_elastic_t() = default#
struct solid_excavate_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_materials.h>
Public Functions
solid_excavate_t() = default#
solid_excavate_t() = default#
struct solid_JH_2_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_materials.h>
Public Functions
solid_JH_2_t() = default#
solid_JH_2_t() = default#
struct solid_JWL_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_materials.h>
Public Functions
solid_JWL_t() = default#
solid_JWL_t() = default#
struct Solid_mat_structure#
- #include <openfdem_mat.h>
Public Members
std::vector<mat_element_t> elemat#
std::vector<mat_cohelement_t> cohelemat#
std::vector<mat_contact_t> conmat#
mat_fluid_t water#
std::vector<mat_mpmfluid_t> mpmfluid#
std::vector<mat_fluid_element_t> hydro_ele#
std::vector<mat_fluid_cohesive_t> hydro_coh#
std::vector<mat_thermal_element_t> thermal_ele#
mat_nonlcoal_element_t nonlocal#
short hysteretic_flag = 0#
bool haswater = false#
bool hasgas = false#
std::vector<mat_element_t> elemat#
struct solid_mazars_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_materials.h>
Public Functions
solid_mazars_t() = default#
solid_mazars_t() = default#
struct solid_MC_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_materials.h>
Public Functions
solid_MC_t() = default#
solid_MC_t() = default#
struct solid_neo_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_materials.h>
Public Functions
solid_neo_t() = default#
solid_neo_t() = default#
struct solid_power_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_materials.h>
Public Functions
solid_power_t() = default#
solid_power_t() = default#
struct solid_rigid_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_materials.h>
Public Functions
solid_rigid_t() = default#
solid_rigid_t() = default#
struct solid_soften_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_materials.h>
Public Functions
solid_soften_t() = default#
solid_soften_t() = default#
struct solid_TCK_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_materials.h>
Public Functions
solid_TCK_t() = default#
solid_TCK_t() = default#
struct solid_transverse_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_materials.h>
Public Functions
solid_transverse_t() = default#
solid_transverse_t() = default#
struct solid_truss_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_materials.h>
Public Functions
solid_truss_t() = default#
solid_truss_t() = default#
struct solid_YANG_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_materials.h>
Public Functions
solid_YANG_t() = default#
solid_YANG_t() = default#
struct solidcoh_EM_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_cohesive_materials.h>
Public Functions
solidcoh_EM_t() = default#
solidcoh_EM_t() = default#
struct solidcoh_linear_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_cohesive_materials.h>
Public Functions
solidcoh_linear_t() = default#
solidcoh_linear_t() = default#
struct solidcoh_OP_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_cohesive_materials.h>
Public Functions
solidcoh_OP_t() = default#
solidcoh_OP_t() = default#
struct solidcohani_EM_t#
- #include <openfdem_solid_cohesive_materials.h>
Public Functions
solidcohani_EM_t() = default#
solidcohani_EM_t() = default#