Input/Output class#
class Curve : public ns_dxf::DXFbase#
- #include <dxf2geo.h>
Public Functions
inline void write() const#
inline void write() const#
class DumperHistory#
- #include <dumper_history_module.h>
Public Static Functions
static void push_history_nodal(History history, Nodal nodal, Vector2 coord, his_nodal_t type)#
static void push_history_cohelement(History history, Cohelement cohelement, Vector2 coord, his_cohele_t type)#
static void push_history_general(History history, his_general_t type)#
static void push_history_group_nodal(History history, Nodal nodal, Group group, char *name, his_nodal_t type)#
static void push_history_group_element(History history, Element element, Group group, char *name, his_ele_t type)#
static void push_history_group_cohelement(History history, Cohelement cohelement, Group group, char *name, his_cohele_t type)#
static void push_history_contact(History history, Nodal nodal, Vector2 coord, his_nodal_t type)#
static void push_history_nodal(History history, Nodal nodal, Vector2 coord, his_nodal_t type)#
class DumperParaview#
- #include <dumper_paraview_module.h>
Public Static Functions
static void Pv2DWrite_cohesive(const char *filename, long Pvstep, General general, Nodal nodal, Group group, Cohelement cohelement, History history)#
static void Pv2DWrite_fracture(const char *filename, long Pvstep, General general, Nodal nodal, Cohelement cohelement, History history)#
static void Pv2DWrite_damage(const char *filename, long Pvstep, General general, Nodal nodal, Cohelement cohelement, History history)#
static void Pv2DWrite_AE(const char *filename, long Pvstep, General general, Cohelement cohelement, History history, Seismic seismic)#
static void push_paraview_field(History history, FILE *inputfile)#
parse the keywords of the field variables to write.
- Parameters:
history –
inputfile –
static void push_paraview_cohesive(History history, FILE *inputfile)#
parse the keywords of the cohesive variables to write.
- Parameters:
history –
inputfile –
static void push_paraview_fracture(History history, FILE *inputfile)#
parse the keywords of the fracture variables to write.
- Parameters:
history –
inputfile –
static void push_paraview_damage(History history, FILE *inputfile)#
parse the keywords of the variables to write.
- Parameters:
history –
inputfile –
static void Pv2DWrite_cohesive(const char *filename, long Pvstep, General general, Nodal nodal, Group group, Cohelement cohelement, History history)#
class dxf2geo : public ns_dxf::DXFbase#
- #include <dxf2geo.h>
Public Functions
void addobj(void)#
Public Members
std::set<Point, PointLessThanLexicographic> Point_T#
std::set<Curve, CurveLessThan> Curve_T#
void addobj(void)#
class DXFbase#
- #include <dxf2geo.h>
Subclassed by ns_dxf::Curve, ns_dxf::CurveLessThan, ns_dxf::Point, ns_dxf::PointLessThanLexicographic, ns_dxf::dxf2geo
struct gmsh_elem#
- #include <msh.h>
Enum of the element type from gmsh file.
See also 1: 2-node line 2: 3-node triangle 3: 4-node quadrangle 4: 4-node tetrahedron 5: 8-node hexahedron 6: 6-node prism 7: 5-node pyramid 8: 3-node second order line (2 nodes associated with the vertices and 1 with the edge) 9: 6-node second order triangle (3 nodes associated with the vertices and 3 with the edges) 10: 9-node second order quadrangle (4 nodes associated with the vertices, 4 with the edges and 1 with the face) 11: 10-node second order tetrahedron (4 nodes associated with the vertices and 6 with the edges) 12: 27-node second order hexahedron (8 nodes associated with the vertices, 12 with the edges, 6 with the faces and 1 with the volume) 13: 18-node second order prism (6 nodes associated with the vertices, 9 with the edges and 3 with the quadrangular faces) 14: 14-node second order pyramid (5 nodes associated with the vertices, 8 with the edges and 1 with the quadrangular face) 15: 1-node point 16: 8-node second order quadrangle (4 nodes associated with the vertices and 4 with the edges) 17: 20-node second order hexahedron (8 nodes associated with the vertices and 12 with the edges) 18: 15-node second order prism (6 nodes associated with the vertices and 9 with the edges) 19: 13-node second order pyramid (5 nodes associated with the vertices and 8 with the edges)
struct gmsh_msh#
- #include <msh.h>
Public Members
gmsh_format_t format#
gmsh_node_t *nodes#
gmsh_elem_t *elems#
gmsh_2d_group_t *group_2d#
gmsh_1d_group_t *group_1d#
int elementgroupid = 0#
gmsh_format_t format#
class GmshLib#
- #include <msh.h>
Public Static Functions
static gmsh_msh_t *msh_load(FILE *c, General general, Geometry geometry)#
Loads a mesh from a msh file.
- Parameters:
c – Open file with read flag.
- Returns:
The corresponding allocated mesh. Needs to be freed with msh_free.
static void msh_print_info(const gmsh_msh_t *msh)#
Print mesh info
static void msh_free(gmsh_msh_t *msh)#
Frees a mesh allocated by msh_load.
- Parameters:
msh – The mesh to free.
static gmsh_msh_t *msh_load(FILE *c, General general, Geometry geometry)#
struct history_cohelement_t#
- #include <openfdem_history.h>
struct history_contact_t#
- #include <openfdem_history.h>
struct history_element_t#
- #include <openfdem_history.h>
struct history_general_t#
- #include <openfdem_history.h>
struct history_nodal_t#
- #include <openfdem_history.h>
struct History_structure#
- #include <openfdem_history.h>
Public Members
bool flash = false#
paraview_t pv#
std::vector<history_nodal_t> his_node#
std::vector<history_element_t> his_ele#
std::vector<history_cohelement_t> his_cohele#
std::vector<history_contact_t> his_con#
std::vector<history_general_t> his_general#
bool flash = false#
struct inp_elem#
- #include <parse_inp.h>
struct inp_element_set#
- #include <parse_inp.h>
struct inp_instance_set#
- #include <parse_inp.h>
struct inp_mesh#
- #include <parse_inp.h>
Public Members
inp_node_t *nodes#
inp_elem_t *elems#
inp_node_set_t *node_set#
inp_element_set_t *ele_set#
inp_part_set_t *part#
inp_instance_set *instance#
inp_node_t *nodes#
struct inp_node#
- #include <parse_inp.h>
struct inp_node_set#
- #include <parse_inp.h>
struct inp_part_set#
- #include <parse_inp.h>
Public Members
char tag[MAXARGC]#
char tag[MAXARGC]#
class InpLib#
- #include <parse_inp.h>
Public Static Functions
static void inp_load(Geometry geometry, FILE *file, inp_mesh_t *mesh)#
Load inp mesh file and read the mesh information. Openfdem supports multiparts reading from ABAQUS code, the nodel sets, element sets are aviable to be parsed and the material properties will be ignored.
- Parameters:
file –
mesh –
static void inp_print_info(const inp_mesh_t *mesh)#
Print the mesh information from inp mesh.
- Parameters:
mesh –
static void inp_free(inp_mesh_t *mesh)#
Free up the memory of mesh from inp file.
- Parameters:
mesh –
static void inp_load(Geometry geometry, FILE *file, inp_mesh_t *mesh)#
class IO_DumperModule#
- #include <dumper_module.h>
class IO_ParserModule : public OpenFdemAbstract, public ns_io::ParserUtils#
- #include <parser_module.h>
Public Static Functions
class IOModule : public OpenFdemAbstract#
- #include <openfdem_io_module.h>
struct paraview_ae_t#
- #include <openfdem_history.h>
struct paraview_cohesive_t#
- #include <openfdem_history.h>
struct paraview_damage_t#
- #include <openfdem_history.h>
struct paraview_field_t#
- #include <openfdem_history.h>
Public Members
bool flag = false#
bool velocity = false#
bool force = false#
bool intforce = false#
bool cohforce = false#
bool conforce = false#
bool extforce = false#
bool displacement = false#
bool hydro = false#
bool group = false#
bool nodal_group = false#
bool edge_group = false#
bool element_group = false#
bool gbm_element_group = false#
bool boundary = false#
bool nodal_bou = false#
bool edge_bou = false#
bool blast_bou = false#
bool hydro_bou = false#
bool thermal_bou = false#
bool element_bou = false#
bool mass = false#
bool stress = false#
bool strain = false#
bool strain_rate = false#
bool principal_stress = false#
bool plastic = false#
bool mat_id = false#
bool fragment = false#
bool thermal = false#
bool flag = false#
struct paraview_fracture_t#
- #include <openfdem_history.h>
struct paraview_t#
- #include <openfdem_history.h>
Public Members
paraview_field_t field#
paraview_fracture_t fracture#
paraview_damage_t damage#
paraview_cohesive_t cohesive#
paraview_field_t field#
class ParserUtils : public OpenFdemAbstract#
- #include <parser_utils.h>
Subclassed by ns_io::IO_ParserModule
Public Static Functions
class Point : public ns_dxf::DXFbase#
- #include <dxf2geo.h>
Public Functions
inline void write() const#
inline void write() const#
class SerializeIneergration#
- #include <serialize_intergration.h>
namespace ns_common
namespace ns_dxf#
FILE *infile#
FILE *outfile#
char inname[80]#
char outname[80]#
char curobj[80]#
char linbuf[BUFSIZE]#
long primitives#
long degenerates#
int groupcode#
int curcolor#
int ints[10]#
int nump#
int numc#
int cpt_vert_node#
int num_vert_node[1024]#
double curthick#
double xcoords[10]#
double ycoords[10]#
double zcoords[10]#
double floats[10]#
double angles[10]#
double max_x#
double max_y#
double max_z#
double min_x#
double min_y#
double min_z#
double THETOL#
double THEROT#
FILE *infile#
namespace ns_io#
typedef struct ns_io::gmsh_format gmsh_format_t#
typedef enum ns_io::section_type section_t#
typedef struct ns_io::gmsh_2d_group gmsh_2d_group_t#
typedef struct ns_io::gmsh_1d_group gmsh_1d_group_t#
typedef int tag_t#
typedef enum ns_io::gmsh_elem_type gmsh_elem_type_t#
typedef struct ns_io::gmsh_elem gmsh_elem_t#
Enum of the element type from gmsh file.
See also 1: 2-node line 2: 3-node triangle 3: 4-node quadrangle 4: 4-node tetrahedron 5: 8-node hexahedron 6: 6-node prism 7: 5-node pyramid 8: 3-node second order line (2 nodes associated with the vertices and 1 with the edge) 9: 6-node second order triangle (3 nodes associated with the vertices and 3 with the edges) 10: 9-node second order quadrangle (4 nodes associated with the vertices, 4 with the edges and 1 with the face) 11: 10-node second order tetrahedron (4 nodes associated with the vertices and 6 with the edges) 12: 27-node second order hexahedron (8 nodes associated with the vertices, 12 with the edges, 6 with the faces and 1 with the volume) 13: 18-node second order prism (6 nodes associated with the vertices, 9 with the edges and 3 with the quadrangular faces) 14: 14-node second order pyramid (5 nodes associated with the vertices, 8 with the edges and 1 with the quadrangular face) 15: 1-node point 16: 8-node second order quadrangle (4 nodes associated with the vertices and 4 with the edges) 17: 20-node second order hexahedron (8 nodes associated with the vertices and 12 with the edges) 18: 15-node second order prism (6 nodes associated with the vertices and 9 with the edges) 19: 13-node second order pyramid (5 nodes associated with the vertices and 8 with the edges)
enum section_type#
enumerator FORMAT#
enumerator NODES#
enumerator ELEMS#
enumerator PHYSICAL#
enumerator OTHER#
enumerator FORMAT#
enum gmsh_elem_type#
enumerator NONE#
enumerator LINE2#
enumerator TRIANGLE3#
enumerator QUADRANGLE4#
enumerator TETRAHEDRON#
enumerator HEXAHEDRON#
enumerator PRISM#
enumerator PYRAMID#
enumerator LINE3#
enumerator TRIANGLE6#
enumerator QUADRANGLE9#
enumerator TETRAHEDRON10#
enumerator HEXAHEDRON27#
enumerator PRISM18#
enumerator PYRAMID14#
enumerator POINT#
enumerator QUADRANGLE8#
enumerator HEXAHEDRON20#
enumerator PRISM15#
enumerator PYRAMID13#
enumerator NONE#
typedef struct ns_io::gmsh_format gmsh_format_t#
- file dumper.h
- #include “dumper/dumper_module.h”
- file dumper_module.h
#include “solver/openfdem.h”#include “common/openfdem_vector2Utils.h”
- file dumper_history_module.h
- #include “common/openfdem_message.h”#include “solver/openfdem.h”#include “common/memory_manager.h”
- file openfdem_history.h
- #include “common/openfdem_common.h”
typedef struct History_structure *History#
typedef struct History_structure *History#
- file dumper_paraview_module.h
- #include <common/openfdem_abstract.h>#include “common/memory_manager.h”#include “common/openfdem_message.h”#include “solver/openfdem.h”
- file dumper_tecplot.h
- file dxf2geo.h
- #include <stdio.h>#include “iohelper/dxf_io/dxfbase.h”#include “solver/openfdem.h”
- file dxfbase.h
- #include <stdio.h>#include “solver/openfdem.h”
- file gmsh_io.h
- #include <stdio.h>#include “solver/openfdem.h”#include “msh.h”
- file msh.h
- #include <stdio.h>#include “solver/openfdem.h”
- file inp_io.h
- #include <stdio.h>#include “solver/openfdem.h”
- file parse_inp.h
- #include <stdio.h>#include “common/memory_manager.h”#include “common/openfdem_message.h”#include “solver/openfdem.h”
typedef enum inp_section_type inp_section_t#
typedef struct inp_node_set inp_node_set_t#
typedef struct inp_part_set inp_part_set_t#
typedef struct inp_instance_set inp_instance_set_t#
typedef struct inp_element_set inp_element_set_t#
typedef enum inp_section_type inp_section_t#
- file openfdem_io_module.h
- #include “common/openfdem_abstract.h”#include “common/openfdem_message.h”#include “solver/openfdem.h”
- file parser_module.h
- #include “common/memory_manager.h”#include “common/openfdem_abstract.h”#include “common/openfdem_message.h”#include “solver/openfdem.h”#include <iohelper/parser/parser_utils.h>
- file parser_utils.h
- #include <algorithm>#include <openfdem_common.h>#include “common/openfdem_abstract.h”#include “common/openfdem_message.h”#include “solver/openfdem.h”
- file serialize.h
- #include <iguana/json_reader.hpp>#include <iguana/json_writer.hpp>#include <iguana/xml_reader.hpp>#include <iguana/xml_writer.hpp>#include <iohelper/serialize/serialize_DFN.h>#include <iohelper/serialize/serialize_MPM.h>#include <iohelper/serialize/serialize_blast.h>#include <iohelper/serialize/serialize_boundary.h>#include <iohelper/serialize/serialize_edge.h>#include <iohelper/serialize/serialize_entity.h>#include <iohelper/serialize/serialize_general.h>#include <iohelper/serialize/serialize_group.h>#include <iohelper/serialize/serialize_history.h>#include <iohelper/serialize/serialize_hydro.h>#include <iohelper/serialize/serialize_intergration.h>#include <iohelper/serialize/serialize_mat.h>#include <iohelper/serialize/serialize_mesh_insert.h>#include <iohelper/serialize/serialize_nodal.h>#include <iohelper/serialize/serialize_pContact.h>#include <iohelper/serialize/serialize_particle.h>#include <iohelper/serialize/serialize_sesmic.h>#include <iohelper/serialize/serialize_solid.h>#include <iohelper/serialize/serialize_solid_contact.h>#include <iohelper/serialize/serialize_thermal.h>#include <openfdem.h>#include <common/openfdem_matrix2x2.h>#include <common/openfdem_tensor.h>#include <common/openfdem_vector2.h>#include <common/openfdem_vector3.h>
REFLECTION(OpenFDEM_structure, general, element, intergration, cohelement, contact, nodal, entity, edge, particle, pcontact, group, history, solidmat, boudary, mesh, dfn, seismic, blast, hydro, thermal)#
- file serialize_blast.h
- #include <blast/openfdem_blast.h>
REFLECTION(blast_type, tag, coord, radius, bou_id, tableid, time_ini, time_end)#
REFLECTION(Blast_structure, _nodeSize, borehole, BlastNumber, gas_volume, blast_wet, pressure)#
REFLECTION(blast_type, tag, coord, radius, bou_id, tableid, time_ini, time_end)#
- file serialize_boundary.h
- #include <solver/boudary/openfdem_boundary.h>
REFLECTION(boudary_node_type, tag, type, value, on_x, on_y, on_r, activated, hascenter, center, table, size, node)#
REFLECTION(boudary_particle_type, tag, type, value, on_x, on_y, on_r, activated, hascenter, center, table, size, particle)#
REFLECTION(boudary_inletflow_type, tag, value, on_x, on_y, type, matid, position, radius, currentParticle, particleradius, maxparticles)#
REFLECTION(boudary_outletflow_type, value, on_x, on_y, upper, lower, type)#
REFLECTION(boudary_point_type, tag, type, on_x, on_y, value, table, size, point)#
REFLECTION(boudary_edge_type, tag, type, value, on_x, on_y, activated, table, size, edges)#
REFLECTION(boudary_ele_type, tag, type, activated, xx, xy, yy, size, ele)#
REFLECTION(table_type, tag, size, value, activateTime)#
REFLECTION(boudary_flow_type, tag, type, activated, value, p0, p, on_x, on_y, gradx, grady, table, size, node)#
REFLECTION(boudary_thermal_type, tag, type, activated, value, T, table, size, node)#
REFLECTION(boudary_blast_type, tag, activated, value, table, size, node)#
REFLECTION(Boundary_structure, n_node, n_edge, n_ele, n_table, n_flow, n_blast, n_thermal, n_particle, n_point, n_inlet, n_outlet, node, ele, table, edge, flow, blast, thermal, particle, point, inlet, outlet, ini_time, finishedExcavationSteps, timedependentExcavationSteps, boundaryUpdate, ExcavationboundaryUpdate, excavationTag)#
REFLECTION(boudary_node_type, tag, type, value, on_x, on_y, on_r, activated, hascenter, center, table, size, node)#
- file serialize_DFN.h
- #include <solid/solid_mechanics_cohesive/DFN/openfdem_DFN.h>
REFLECTION(DFN_structure, n_dfn, dfn)#
REFLECTION(DFN_structure, n_dfn, dfn)#
- file serialize_edge.h
- #include “solid/openfdem_edge.h”
REFLECTION(edge_type, type, nnode, node, element, CZM, coord, pair, DFN, iselement, isquadratic, quadnode)#
REFLECTION(Edge_structure, nedge, edges)#
REFLECTION(edge_type, type, nnode, node, element, CZM, coord, pair, DFN, iselement, isquadratic, quadnode)#
- file serialize_entity.h
- #include “solid/openfdem_entity.h”
REFLECTION(entity_type, isdeformable, nElement, bouid, mass, inertia, element, nNode, node, dimension)#
REFLECTION(Entity_structure, nEntity, entities)#
REFLECTION(entity_type, isdeformable, nElement, bouid, mass, inertia, element, nNode, node, dimension)#
- file serialize_general.h
- #include “common/openfdem_general.h”
REFLECTION(energy_type, external_work, internal_energy, gravity_energy, kinetic_energy, damping_energy, absorbing_energy, contactFrictionEnergy, contactNormalEnergy, element_energy, cohesive_energy, kinetic_ratio)#
REFLECTION(solver_base, previousCountofNode, previousCountofElement, previousCountofCohele, finishedExcavationSteps, run_times)#
REFLECTION(model_t, has_mazars, has_JH2, has_Yang, has_TCK, has_dfb, has_plastic, has_viscous, has_JWL, has_nonlocal, has_cohesive, has_phasefield, use_largedeformation, has_contact, has_blast, has_dynamic, has_thermal, has_hydro, has_remesh, has_AMR, has_AMRdynamic, has_GBM, has_mmg, has_quadratic, has_extrinsic, has_rigid, has_deformable, has_particle, has_mpm, usedu, gravityzero, has_dynamicCZM, useConnect)#
REFLECTION(General_structure, FileID, thread, TotalStep, NowStep, ShowIntervalonScreen, ShowIntervalinLog, remeshinterval, inletInterval, nodebeforeRead, TimeStep, Creepdt, CurrentTime, remeshTime, global_damp, massScale, solveratio, useSolveMode, debug, is_save_results, save_flag, update_dt, fixeddt, check_dt, useFastMode, usrdefined_dt, gravity, energy, solver, config_type, model)#
REFLECTION(energy_type, external_work, internal_energy, gravity_energy, kinetic_energy, damping_energy, absorbing_energy, contactFrictionEnergy, contactNormalEnergy, element_energy, cohesive_energy, kinetic_ratio)#
- file serialize_group.h
- #include “mesh/group/openfdem_group.h”
REFLECTION(group_node_t, tag, type, range, idrange, size, AMRsize, AMRnode, node)#
REFLECTION(group_element_t, tag, type, range, size, AMRsize, ele)#
REFLECTION(group_edge_t, tag, type, range, idrange, size, AMRsize, AMRinitialsize, AMRnode0, AMRinitialnode0, edge)#
REFLECTION(group_particle_t, tag, range, size, particle)#
REFLECTION(group_mpmpoints_t, tag, size, points)#
REFLECTION(group_gbm_t, tag, ratio, size, ele)#
REFLECTION(group_cohelement_t, tag, size, cohele)#
REFLECTION(Group_structure, ng_node, ng_ele, ng_edge, ng_cohele, ng_gbm, ng_particle, ng_mpmpoint, node, ele, edge, cohele, gbm, particle, mpmpoint, rgbm_grey_level, rgbm_pixel_size, rgbm_x0, rgbm_y0, rgbm_size_x, rgbm_size_y)#
REFLECTION(group_node_t, tag, type, range, idrange, size, AMRsize, AMRnode, node)#
- file serialize_history.h
- #include “iohelper/dumper/openfdem_history.h”
REFLECTION(history_nodal_t, his_id, group, id, size, type, value_1, value_2)#
REFLECTION(history_element_t, his_id, group, id, size, type, value_1, value_2, value_3)#
REFLECTION(history_cohelement_t, his_id, group, id, size, type, value_1, value_2)#
REFLECTION(history_contact_t, his_id, id, size, type, value_1, value_2)#
REFLECTION(history_general_t, his_id, size, type, value_1, value_2, value_3)#
REFLECTION(paraview_field_t, flag, velocity, force, intforce, cohforce, conforce, extforce, displacement, hydro, group, nodal_group, edge_group, element_group, gbm_element_group, boundary, nodal_bou, edge_bou, blast_bou, hydro_bou, thermal_bou, element_bou, mass, stress, strain, strain_rate, principal_stress, plastic, mat_id, fragment, thermal)#
REFLECTION(paraview_fracture_t, flag, mode, sliding, opening, area, time, length, energy)#
REFLECTION(paraview_damage_t, flag, mode, sliding, opening, area, time, length)#
REFLECTION(paraview_ae_t, flag, mode, time, win_time, win_kinetic, kinetic, magnitude, energy)#
REFLECTION(paraview_cohesive_t, flag, mat_id, group, dfn, shear_strength, force, displacement, velocity)#
REFLECTION(paraview_t, field, fracture, damage, cohesive, ae)#
REFLECTION(History_structure, n_his_node, n_his_ele, n_his_cohele, n_his_con, n_his_general, his_interval, pv_interval, historySize, broken_FPZ_threshold, pv_reduced_interval, n_his, flash, pv, his_node, his_ele, his_cohele, his_con, his_general)#
REFLECTION(history_nodal_t, his_id, group, id, size, type, value_1, value_2)#
- file serialize_hydro.h
- #include <iohelper/serialize/serialize_thermal.h>#include “hydro/openfdem_hydro.h”
REFLECTION(caivity_type, size, node)#
REFLECTION(Hydro_structure, _nodeSize, _elementSize, _cohesiveSize, fluid_pressure, boud_id, mat_id, cohmat_id, cavity_number, cavity, matrix_pressure, matrixFlowRate, matrixSaturation, matrixVolume, matrixVolumeOld, matrixAlpha, matrixM, matrixprosity, fracture_pressure, fractureFlowRate, fractureSaturation, fractureVolume, fractureVolumeOld, tau, hydro_wet, length, aperature, connect, kfij, isFloating, THMFlowRate, viscosity, gasDensity, gasDensityOld, gasBulk, gas_pressure, gasSaturation, gasFlowRate, gasVolume, gasVolumeOld, subSteps, subNowStep, hydro_time, sub_timestep, hasMatrixFlow, hasFractureFlow, isDoubleWayCouple, notbackforwardPressure, isFullFractureFlow, hasGasFlow, isTHMCouple, hasinitialized)#
REFLECTION(caivity_type, size, node)#
- file serialize_intergration.h
- #include <iguana/json_reader.hpp>#include <iguana/json_writer.hpp>#include <iguana/xml_reader.hpp>#include <iguana/xml_writer.hpp>#include <openfdem.h>
REFLECTION(nonlocal_t, count, ID, weight, strain, strainrate)#
REFLECTION(GaussPoint_t, element, weight)#
REFLECTION(Intergration_structure, gauss_num, gauss, chi, detJ, detJ0, eenergy, plasenergy, historyNum, inhistory, F, state, stress, strainrate, strain, kelvin_strain, strainInc, plasticstrain, plasticstrainInc, psi, nonlocal)#
REFLECTION(nonlocal_t, count, ID, weight, strain, strainrate)#
- file serialize_mat.h
- #include “solid/materials/openfdem_mat.h”
REFLECTION(mat_element_t, tag, cons, mat, damp, nstate, cp, cs, parameters, fieldTable)#
class for matrix material library.
REFLECTION(mat_cohelement_t, tag, cons, mat, hasTableParamter, table, hasfullTable)#
cohesive material.
REFLECTION(mat_contact_t, emat1, emat2, cons, mat, conductivity)#
contact material.
REFLECTION(mat_fluid_t, den, bulk, viscosity, cohesion, conductivity, specific_heat)#
water material.
REFLECTION(mat_mpmfluid_t, tag, density, kappa, gama, shear, viscosity)#
material point .
REFLECTION(mat_fluid_element_t, tag, permiability, Biot_modulus, Biot_c, prosity)#
hydro material.
REFLECTION(mat_fluid_cohesive_t, tag, a_0, a_min, a_max, para_exp, para_b)#
fluid flowing in fracture .
REFLECTION(mat_gas_t, initial_den, initial_bulk, permiability, constant_B, alpha)#
gas material in hydro module.
REFLECTION(mat_thermal_element_t, tag, conductivity, specific_heat, expansion, heat_exchage)#
thermal material.
REFLECTION(mat_nonlcoal_element_t, method, cl)#
nonlocal material.
REFLECTION(Solid_mat_structure, n_mat, n_cohmat, n_conmat, n_mpmfluid, n_hydro_mat, n_hydro_coh, n_thermal_mat, matrixMaxK, matrixMaxG, contactMaxPn, cohesiveMaxPn, cohesiveMinTension, particleMaxPn, hydroMaxPerm, hydroMaxAperature, hydroMaxInitialAperature, hydroMaxM, thermalMaxCconducticity, thermalMinSpecificheat, contactPnMultiplier, contactPsMultiplier, cohesivePnMultiplier, cohesivePsMultiplier, elemat, cohelemat, conmat, water, mpmfluid, gas, hydro_ele, hydro_coh, thermal_ele, nonlocal, hysteretic_flag, haswater, hasgas)#
REFLECTION(solid_elastic_t, E, v, den, K, G, lamda, G_c, l_c, nita)#
REFLECTION(solid_truss_t, E, den, A, cable)#
REFLECTION(mpm_snow_t, E, den, v, K, G, lamda, tc, ts, ksi)#
REFLECTION(mpm_sand_t, E, den, v, K, G, lamda)#
REFLECTION(solid_neo_t, E, v, den, K, G, lamda)#
REFLECTION(solid_excavate_t, E, v, den, K, G, lamda)#
REFLECTION(solid_soften_t, E, v, den, K, G, lamda, stretch, coh, damage)#
REFLECTION(solid_burgers_t, E, v, den, K, kshear, kviscosity, mshear, mviscosity)#
REFLECTION(solid_power_t, E, v, den, K, G, a1, a2, n1, n2, rs1, rs2)#
REFLECTION(solid_rigid_t, den)#
REFLECTION(solid_transverse_t, E1, E3, den, nu12, nu13, G, dip, dd)#
REFLECTION(solid_MC_t, E, v, den, K, G, lamda, ten, coh, fri, dil)#
REFLECTION(solid_DP_t, E, v, den, K, G, ten, qdil, qfric, kfric)#
REFLECTION(solid_JWL_t, den, detonation, E0, A, B, R1, R2, omega, x0, y0, t0)#
REFLECTION(solid_dfb_t, E, v, den, K, G, k_c, m_c, k_t, m_t, KIC, sigma_c, c_wave, nita, xita, theta_0)#
REFLECTION(solid_mazars_t, E, v, den, K, G, e0, At, Ac, Bt, Bc)#
REFLECTION(solid_JH_2_t, E, v, den, K, G, A, B, C, M, N, D1, D2, T, HEL, PHEL, SHEL, K1, K2, K3)#
REFLECTION(solid_TCK_t, E, v, den, K, G, m, k, KIC, c_wave, KUS, plastic, qdil, qfric, kfric)#
REFLECTION(solid_YANG_t, E, v, den, K, G, alpha, beta, theta, plastic, qdil, qfric, kfric)#
REFLECTION(any_mat_type, elastic, truss, neo, excavate, soften, rigid, transverse, MC, DP, burger, power, JWL, mazars, JH2, TCK, Yang, dfb, snow, sand)#
REFLECTION(solidcoh_EM_t, pn, pt, ten, coh, fri, GI, GII, beta_n, beta_t, heat_exchage, leakoff)#
REFLECTION(solidcoh_linear_t, pn, pt, ten, coh, fri, GI, GII, heat_exchage, leakoff)#
REFLECTION(solidcoh_OP_t, pn, pt, ten, coh, delta_n, delta_s, heat_exchage, leakoff)#
REFLECTION(solidcohdyn_EM_t, pn, pt, ten, coh, fri, GI, GII, c_rate_n, c_rate_s, exp_n, exp_s, heat_exchage, leakoff)#
REFLECTION(solidcohhet_EM_t, pn, pt, ten, coh, fri, GI, GII, heat_exchage, leakoff)#
REFLECTION(solidcohani_EM_t, power, gamma, dip, pn, pt, ten, coh, fri, GI, GII, heat_exchage, leakoff)#
REFLECTION(any_cohmat_type, EM, linear, EM_het, EM_ani, EM_dyn, OP)#
REFLECTION(solidcon_MC_t, fri, kn, ks)#
REFLECTION(solidcon_standard_t, fri, kn, ks, damp)#
REFLECTION(solidcon_Bond_t, fri, kn, ks, damp, cohesion, tension, gap)#
REFLECTION(solidcon_Rrotation_t, fri, kn, ks, kr, dampn, dampr, fri_r)#
REFLECTION(solidcon_dynamic_MC_t, kn, ks, static_fri, residual_fri, slip_rate)#
REFLECTION(solidcon_GG_t, kn, ks, fri, theta, C, B, A0, tension)#
REFLECTION(any_conmat_type, MC, D_MC, Roughshear, Standard, Bond, Rrotation)#
REFLECTION(mat_element_t, tag, cons, mat, damp, nstate, cp, cs, parameters, fieldTable)#
- file serialize_mesh_insert.h
- #include “mesh/openfdem_mesh_insert.h”
REFLECTION(mesh_insert_type, tag, type, size, ele)#
REFLECTION(Mesh_insert_structure, n_mesh, mesh, tol_size, saveSol, mmgChecked, fresheleGroup, hMax, hMin, minthreshold, maxthreshold, metrictype, strategy, meshpath, mmgMesh, metric, calmetric, buffer, range, nvertex, vertex, nedge, edges, npath, path)#
REFLECTION(mesh_insert_type, tag, type, size, ele)#
- file serialize_MPM.h
- file serialize_nodal.h
- #include “solid/openfdem_nodal.h”
REFLECTION(Nodal_structure, dimension, n_num, n_preremesh, node, mass, coord0, coord, force, cohforce, conforce, extforce, intforce, velocity, du, dis_excavate, phi, nita, driven, net_connect, element_maximuum_unbalance_force, cohesive_maximuum_unbalance_force, contact_maximuum_unbalance_force, max_velocity, unbalance_force)#
REFLECTION(Nodal_structure, dimension, n_num, n_preremesh, node, mass, coord0, coord, force, cohforce, conforce, extforce, intforce, velocity, du, dis_excavate, phi, nita, driven, net_connect, element_maximuum_unbalance_force, cohesive_maximuum_unbalance_force, contact_maximuum_unbalance_force, max_velocity, unbalance_force)#
- file serialize_particle.h
- #include “particles/openfdem_particle.h”
REFLECTION(particle_type, coord, coord0, angle, indomain, radius, mass, interia, matid, bouid)#
REFLECTION(Particle_structure, nParticle, domain, particle, velocity, accelerator, force, conforce, extforce, unbalanceforce, MaxRadius, MinRadius, max_velocity, maxparticles)#
REFLECTION(particle_type, coord, coord0, angle, indomain, radius, mass, interia, matid, bouid)#
- file serialize_pContact.h
- #include “particles/openfdem_pContact.h”
REFLECTION(pContact_type, con_n, head, hold, overlap, dis, vel, force, norm, target, state, mat)#
REFLECTION(wContact_type, con_n, head, hold, dis, vel, norm, target, mat, ratio)#
REFLECTION(PContact_structure, _particleSize, nP2PContact, nP2WContact, P2PContact, P2WContact, potentionalParticle, contact_buffer, contact_trigger, gap, detectInterval, detection_count, pcontact_count, wcontact_count)#
REFLECTION(pContact_type, con_n, head, hold, overlap, dis, vel, force, norm, target, state, mat)#
- file serialize_sesmic.h
- #include “solid/solid_mechanics_cohesive/sesmic/openfdem_sesmic.h”
REFLECTION(Seismic_structure, method, window, ae_num, ae)#
REFLECTION(Seismic_structure, method, window, ae_num, ae)#
- file serialize_solid.h
- #include “solid/solid_mechanics/openfdem_solid.h”
REFLECTION(element_type, matid, dimension, n_gauss, type, n_edge, edges, n_node, nodes, n_couple, couple, ecouple, radius, entity, minedge, maxedge, meshquality, isInserted, excavation, uncontacted, is_extrinsic, isMesh, prenodes, parentele, gauss, lumpedMassWeight, poissionRatio)#
REFLECTION(Element_structure, e_num, e_preremesh, MinMeshsize, MeanMeshsize, MaxRadius, ele, coord, area, energy, field)#
REFLECTION(element_type, matid, dimension, n_gauss, type, n_edge, edges, n_node, nodes, n_couple, couple, ecouple, radius, entity, minedge, maxedge, meshquality, isInserted, excavation, uncontacted, is_extrinsic, isMesh, prenodes, parentele, gauss, lumpedMassWeight, poissionRatio)#
- file serialize_solid_cohesive.h
- #include “solid/solid_mechanics_cohesive/openfdem_solid_cohesive.h”
REFLECTION(cohelement_type, coord, matid, n_node, dfn, nodes, ele, edge, faces, old_map, is_extrinsic)#
REFLECTION(fracture_type, time, length, energy, type, coele)#
REFLECTION(damage_type, time, length, type, coele)#
REFLECTION(Coh_element_structure, cohele, cohe_num, broken_num, damage_num, shear_strength, force, extrinsic_r, dis, vel, fracture, damage, het_value, state, stater, DIF, damagevalue, energy, area, length, field, isCompressiveShear)#
REFLECTION(cohelement_type, coord, matid, n_node, dfn, nodes, ele, edge, faces, old_map, is_extrinsic)#
- file serialize_solid_contact.h
- #include “contact/openfdem_solid_contact.h”
REFLECTION(contact_type, con_n, head, hold, sliding_distance, sliding_state, target, type, slip_flag, mat)#
REFLECTION(Contact_structure, _elementSize, n_contact, detection_count, contact_count, potentional_contact_element, con, detection, contactForceRule, contact_trigger, contact_buffer)#
REFLECTION(contact_type, con_n, head, hold, sliding_distance, sliding_state, target, type, slip_flag, mat)#
- file serialize_thermal.h
- #include “thermal/openfdem_thermal.h”
REFLECTION(Thermal_structure, _nodeSize, _elementSize, thermal_steps, thermal_time, sub_timestep, boud_id, mat_id, Matrix_flux, Contact_flux, Matrix_T, Matrix_C, Fluid_T, Fluid_flux, Matrix_T0, THMcoupling, ContactThermal, isDoubleWayCouple, cavity_number, cavity, kfijconduction, kfijadvection)#
REFLECTION(Thermal_structure, _nodeSize, _elementSize, thermal_steps, thermal_time, sub_timestep, boud_id, mat_id, Matrix_flux, Contact_flux, Matrix_T, Matrix_C, Fluid_T, Fluid_flux, Matrix_T0, THMcoupling, ContactThermal, isDoubleWayCouple, cavity_number, cavity, kfijconduction, kfijadvection)#
- dir dumper
- dir dxf_io
- dir gmsh_io
- dir history
- dir inp_io
- dir iohelper
- dir paraview
- dir parser
- dir serialize
- dir src
- dir tecplot